There is absolutely No Risk
There is absolutely No Long Term Contract
Unique 30–Day Renewable Agreement by Computel
Complete system that includes everything needed to operate your Front Office -- Hardware, Software, Software Support and Hardware Maintenance
There is absolutely No Cost for Training
Remote Interactive Training Sessions are thorough and cost effective -- No On-Site Training Required
Experienced support staff available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year
Free System Upgrades, Repairs and Replacements are always included
Software customization may be available in some instances -- Computel programming fees will apply
And remember, there is absolutely no fee for remote training, software support, hardware maintenance or scheduled software updates.


Computel's Property Management Systems
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6855 Lyons Technology Circle Suite 14 | Coconut Creek, FL 33073
Phone 561.994.5577 | Fax 561.998.0960
For Property Management System information e-mail: